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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I'm currently an undergrad at a private university. Hate life in general but I ain't giving up on life till life gives up on me (what the heck am I saying?).

Monday, August 07, 2006

Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception by Eoin Colfer

Artemis Fowl is not like any other teenager. Other teenagers hang out with their friends, go to school. But that's not the case with Artemis. He's one of the exceptionally gifted teen of his time. He even reads Science journals and medical journals as a hobby. Come on. Even I as an IT student am not too keen on reading books on technology and electronic. Bore me to death even but not Artemis. You see, his dad, Artemis Fowl Senior was a criminal. That's probably how the Fowls can live in a lavish lifestyle. Artemis Jr., unfortunately, inherits his dad's love of criminal lifestyle that is, until Artemis Sr. got into trouble and Artemis Jr. has to save him, with the help of Holly Short, a fairy, pixie whatever you call her and of course, Mulch Diggums a low-life dwarf who steals for living.

Let me tell you how they got together in the first place. It's as if Fate has put them together. Artemis first discovered the existence of fairies and Haven when he was 13. How, I don't remember. You'll have to read about Artemis' first outing in Colfer's Artemis Fowl.

In his latest outing, Commander Julius Root has been killed. Killed by Opal Koboi who's suppose to be in coma, no less. Opal, however is not an idiot. She's considered as Artemis equal, if not better than him. While she's in coma, her mind is buzzing with activities as she hatched a plan that will bring destruction to Haven, home of the fairykind. She reinevent herself as a girl named Belinda Zito and "mesmers" Giovanni Zito, a millionaire environmentalist so that she can use him to bring her plans to live. Zito, in fact is part of her plan.

Now, how on earth does she escape from the health facility? With the help of the pixie twins of course. In her place she place her clone, an exact replica of her while the real her escapes and her plan was brilliant as the Dr. Argon who's in charge of the facility don't even notice her disappearance as her clone was perfect.

First, she murdered Commander Root and framed Holly for her crime. Now, the whole LEP is hot on her trail. Together with Artemis Fowl, his bodyguard, Butler, Mulch Diggums, the insolent dwarf they thwarted Opal's evil intentions and managed to save the whole Haven community from destruction.

Trust me, this book is entertaining and a nice read. Before you know it, you'll be craving for more Artemis Fowl.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Jane Austen is my favourite author. Seriously. People at my age often dismiss the idea of reading a
novel from the 19th century. Let alone reading it as part of the literature component. I mean, in 
SPM English Literature paper, students are required to read several poem and of course, novels. 
Jane Austen's Mansfield Park is one of them, or so I heard from my peer who took English 
Literature as a 5th former. Anyway, my point is, nowadays not many people would appreciate 
classic novels. Only a handful of people like me who actually enjoys Austen's work.

Okay...lets get to business. Pride and Prejudice (P&P) is one of Austen's most celebrated novel in 
her days and today. Why else there are many film adaptations made? The most recent stars
Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet and Matthew Macfadyen as the cold and proud Mr. Darcy. 
Both actors are excellent in their respective roles. P&P's basically about the trials and tribulations
of the Bennet family but I have to say that the star of this novel has to be Elizabeth Bennet or
Lizzie as she's affectionally known. She's the pride and joy of Mr. Bennet as she's the most 
intellectual and well-read just like her old man. Of all the Bennet sisters, I must say that Lizzie
and her older sister, Jane are the mature and sane ones. The same cannot be said about Lydia
and Kitty. All they can think about is men especially the ones in the military. Laugh out loud.
They are definitely suckers for men in uniform. Mary, on the other hand, is the quiet and passive
one. She rarely mix around with people and she hates balls and parties (sadly, I'm more like her). Their mother, unfortunately, is not like what most mothers are. All she cares about is to 
get all her daughters married and she will brag whenever she can especially to the Lucases. 
Nevertheless, like every mother, she cares for her children and she wants the best for them. 

Enough of the Bennets. Here comes Mr. Bingley and his friend, the cold and proud Mr. Darcy.
Lets begin with Bingley. He's one of the kindest man that one would ever known. He's definitely
loaded but he didn't boast about it like some rich, spoilt brat would do. He's very down to earth 
and that's probably why Jane got attracted by him in the first place, and he, by her in return.
They're made for each other. But before they can finally unite, they have to overcome several
hurdles and I have to say, it's all worth it when they finally got together. Of Mr. Darcy, at first,
he can be really standofish as he's really proud man when we Austen introduce him to us,
readers. He's a snob in every way a rich man would. Apparently, he's worth 10,000 pounds per
year. He even said our dear Lizzie is not handsome enough to tempt him and he said it loud 
enough that Liz heard that. Lizzie who's made of iron, couldn't care less, however his quotes
made her despise him even more and she makes sure that her sentiments towards him is known. Laugh out loud. That's probably she attracts Darcy. She's not like any other girl who
don't have a stand on what she believes in. Plus, she's well read and in those days, girls like her
is a rare species. Most girl of her time either draws or sews and I would say that Lizzie's more
like a tomboy of her time.

She despises him further when she found out that Darcy advises his friend, Bingley to stay away
from Jane and that Jane's not into him. Of course, Darcy meant well but like what Lizzie told him, he doesn't know Jane like she does. According to Lizzie, Jane's not the kind of girl who make her intentions towards a guy known. She's shy perhaps. Wickham then enters the scene
as the handsome military man and instantly, Lizzie fell for him. Wickham, however is not what
it seems. He fed her with lies about Darcy and Lizzie believes him.

Then came a day when Lydia eloped with Wickham. They were in shock as they didn't expect
Wickham to be such a man. Mr. Bennet immediately rush to London to find them but
unsuccessfully. Their uncle, Mr. Gardiner joined the search party and fortunately, he brings back good tidings from London. Apparently, he has paid Wickham an undisclosed sum of money
so as he'll marry Lydia. You must understand that in those days girls like her is no more like a
whore and her family will have to bear the consequences as well.

After the awful episode, Lizzie begin to think of Darcy in a new light. He wasn't the bad guy at all
unlike what Wickham had told her earlier. To think that she had rejected his marriage proposal.
She feels even worse when she found out from Lydia (accidentally) that Darcy was at the wedding and that he had paid Wickham that undisclosed sum of money. To top it all up, Bingley
came over to her place and he and Jane are engaged! All thanks to Darcy of course.

Lizzie begin to fall for Darcy. However, she had rejected his proposal earlier on. Which man will
propose to the same girl again? Then Lady Catherine De Bourgh, Darcy's aunt came. Her
Ladyship warns Lizzie not to except Darcy's hand in marriage if there's any. She also said that
Darcy's engaged to her own daughter, Ms. De Bourgh ever since their infancy. Lizzie however
fired back and told Her Ladyship that she'll never refuse Darcy's hand in marriage if he ever
propose. With that, Lady Catherine left in anger. She would not have a girl of "inferior birth"
becomes the mistress of Pemberley. Crap.

When Darcy heard of Lizzie's episode with his aunt, his hope is renewed. He went to the Bennet's
and popped the question to Lizzie again. And of course, our beloved Lizzie said "yes".'s so
sweet. Imagine that, two weddings for the Bennets. Jane is offically Mrs. Bingley and we can all
refer Lizzie as Mrs. Darcy now. Ah....double cute....

P&P's like a chick-lit of the 19th century...except that, the term "chick-lit" doesn't exist yet back
then. Nevertheless, Austen's P&P is a good read and like everyone say, good books will last
forever. Pen is after all, mightier than sword...

Shopaholic and Sister by Sophie Kinsella

I have to admit that I was giggling non-stop when I first read Kinsella's first effort, Confessions of a Shopaholic. It's so hillarious that I don't mind reading it over and over again. Believe it or not, when I'm down, I'll read the book and instantly, my face will lit up. The same can be said about Kinsella's latest effort. After Becky's misadventure as a financial journalist, she went to Manhattan with her guy, Luke and finally tied the knot with Luke, her long-lost sister came out of nowhere. Apparently, her dad was with a girl before he met her mom and the girl got pregnant without his knowledge. The girl married another man and they raised her daughter whom she named Jessica.

Before Jessica's appearance Becky and Luke were honeymooning in India. It was hillarious. Can you 
believe that Becky actually ran across a charcoal-filled ground just to get to the peddlar who 
was selling bracellets or some sort. I had a good laugh on that one.

When Becky and Luke finally got home from their honeymoon, she was told by Luke to stop 
spending on unnecesary items as she's not working and that she can't afford to pay it. Fortunately 
for her, Luke is kind enough to pay off her visa debts.   

When Becky finally meet her sister, she was overjoyed. She never had a sister. All this time, she 
was an only child. She started to think of the shoppings trips that she and her sister will go. 
She was so wrong. Jessica is her total opposite. She may hate her sister at one point, but along
the way she learnt a valuable lesson from her...and her sister, in turn, from her...